Technical development
Decades of hard work have earned us our technology lead which we are determined to maintain and extend. With this in mind, we have developed an innovation strategy that is based on three principles:
Innovation as an element of our corporate culture
Continuous further improvement is a central value for us. We expect and insist on innovative and courageous development initiatives from our management. All employees at all levels are actively involved in all development processes through a sophisticated ideas management system.
Research & Development within and beyond the Group
We develop and optimize materials in close cooperation with other companies in the Salzgitter Group, especially Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH as our starting material source and Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH as our partner in R&D. We also maintain a regular exchange of development ideas and experience with other steel suppliers around the globe.
Continuous exchange and communication with our customers
Group-internal R&D capacities enable us to align and react quickly to specific project requirements of our customers. To this end, we discuss relevant research results with our customers and check their technical potential in the context of a given project. That way we ensure that the latest findings are integrated into the production process wherever useful and beneficial.